The Nokia 9 could define the future of mobile photography - with 5 sensors

as the gap between mid-range and high-end phones start to blur when it comes to performance and features the key feature that decides the rise and fall of a device is the camera because that is where most people have the highest expectations while the normal consumer wants a simple point-and-shoot that does all the work for you with the best quality possible without much editing photographers like to see a professional output to work with when they don't bring their big camera along the Nokia 90 of you might be the phone that makes it more comfortable to leave your camera behind because it's a big improvement compared to other phones on the market so Nokia has the first five

camera array which they built together the flight a company that had awesome hardware with 16 sensors on one device but awful software and of course again  with size who built high quality lenses these sensors have all the same focal lengths or now ultra wide or zoom and come with 12 megapixels with an aperture of f-18 but only two sensors are RGB sensors free of them are monochrome the reason is pretty simple a monochrome sensor captures 2.9 times more light since its completely focused on light and not individual colors and combining the image with the RGB sensors gives you a much higher dynamic range than usual now we've seen this before with Huawei for example but here each shot is taking with all five sensors and merged into one 12 megapixel picture that includes 62 240 megapixel worth of data while the file size stays small and it allows you to shoot with multiple exposures instantly this doesn't only let you take amazing looking JPEGs but you can also create professional edits with raw dmg files using Lightroom while the app version of Lightroom is a must-have on any phone in cooperation with Adobe wave added lens data into the app which usually our only professional camera manufacturers do giving you an advantage  over most other phones

additionally the five cameras together all the time of flight sensor created theft map with 12 megapixel which is around 40 times more than you can find on most phones of a portrait mode and gives you 1200 layers to set your blur incorporation with Google using the Google Photos app you can change the focus to literally everywhere and can set the blur not only on the background but also on the foreground this lets you take beautiful portraits even after taking the shot well it would be nice to see different focal lengths in the future the nokia 9 PureView makes us really excited for the mobile photography of the future what do you think.

The Nokia 9 could define the future of mobile photography - with 5 sensors The Nokia 9 could define the future of mobile photography - with 5 sensors Reviewed by loggia on 7:52 PM Rating: 5

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